Ashtanga Yoga

I first discovered Ashtanga yoga back in my home town in England. After a few years of searching for a dynamic and soul full practice, this for me was all I had been searching for.

Today I try to practice daily, traditionally Ashtanga is practice 6x week, with Saturdays as the rest day. This may sound a lot, but ask any yogi who has had 3 or more days off and we can sure tell the difference!

I read this quote in the wonderful book Guruji (amazon link) and for me this describes perfectly Ashtanga yoga.

'The practice is like a mirror. We go to the mirror every morning to tidy ourselves up before going out into the world, and the practice is like a mirror for what's in your heart and what's in your mind.

(Guruji) holds up the mirror.. and he holds that mirror at the right angle to collect the light so that it reflects back on you.

He carries great light and wisdom. His vibration is finely tuned and his hands are filled with shakti. Perhaps the practice is the medicine and Guruji is the doctor who knows just what and how much to prescribe. I'm sure many of us have never felt so well as when we are in his hands or in his presence.'

Although Ashtanga is a set sequence of postures and has descended from guru to guru, it is no way a 'fixed' practice. Ashtanga is for everyone and every single body develops their own practice, this is the practice that changes the person and their body, their practice becomes unique to them and their life and becomes their practice.

Today I practice at a beautiful shala in the heart of Lisbon - casavinyasa.

When I moved to Lisbon to begin my Ph.D. and once I was fully accepted to begin my work, I than began my practice here. Casavinyasa is for me the answer to my searching and the end of my longing for a place to learn and develop myself and my practice.
We are so very fortunate to practice with a truly beautiful teacher, inside and out, and with her I am developing more that I could of ever hoped for.
I am blessed to have been brought to this perfect shala.

Our shala regularily hosts international teachers and leads workshop and events. I would like to use this space to advertise and spread the word on this beautiful practice.

This page is in no way a teaching reference. I am a young student to Ashtanga yoga, and will share here through my posts, my experiences and my journey through learning and developing this practice, I hope to inspire and lead others to learn about Ashtanga yoga.

For full information on Ashtanga yoga, please refer to the links below.

K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute, Mysore, India

CasaVinyasa Ashtanga yoga shala, Lisbon

Ashtanga Yoga, New York

Shanti and good practice!

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